Notice of Meeting – MARCH 28TH, 2025
2024 General Election Results – Swain County
Request an Absentee Ballot – 2025 Bryson City Town Election
Contact the County Board of Elections Office for information about:
- Voter registration applications
- Registration deadlines
- Voter ID
- Absentee and In-Person voting
- Precinct polling locations
- Challenges and complaints
- All other questions related to elections
- Public information including election results, voter lists, sample ballots and other data
Contact - Board of Elections
- Hannah Smith, Chairman
- MaryK Buranosky, Secretary
- John Herrin, Member
- Nannette Powell, Member
- Jeramy Shuler, Member
Board of Elections Office:
1422 US Hwy 19 South
Mailing Address: PO Box 133
Bryson City, NC 28713
Adam Byrnes, Director
Phone: 828-488-6177
Fax: 828-488-6463
Office Hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm – Monday – Friday
Upcoming Dates
Dates for 2025 Bryson City Town Election
July 7 @ 8 AM – July 18 @ Noon: Candidate Filing
Sept. 29 @ 10 AM: Logic & Accuracy Testing of Voting Machines:
Oct. 4: First Absentee Ballots Mailed to Voters
Oct. 10: Voter Registration Deadline*
*Exception: Same-Day Registration During Early Voting
Oct. 16 – Nov. 1: Early Voting
Oct. 21 @ 5 PM: Absentee Ballot Request Deadline
Nov. 4: 2025 Election Day
Nov. 6 @ 10 AM: Post-Election Sample Audit
Nov. 14 @ 11 AM: County Canvass
Board of Elections Meetings
Upcoming Board Meetings:
Regular board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month.
Upcoming Election Schedule
11/04/2025 – Bryson City Town Election
* Early Voting Period: 10/16/2025 – 11/01/2025
* Absentee Ballot Request Deadline: 10/21/2025 @ 5 PM
Second Primary Election
03/03/2026 – NC Primary Election
* Early Voting Period: 02/12/2026 – 02/28/2026
* Absentee Ballot Request Deadline: 02/17/2026 @ 5 PM
05/12/2026 – NC Second Primary Election [IF NECESSARY]
* Early Voting Period: 04/23/2026 – 05/09/2026
* Absentee Ballot Request Deadline: 04/28/2026 @ 5 PM
11/03/2026 – General Election
* Early Voting Period: 10/15/2026 – 10/31/2026
* Absentee Ballot Request Deadline: 10/20/2026 @ 5 PM
Public Records
Campaign Finance Documents
- Organizational Reports – 2023 Municipal Election
Board of Elections Meeting Minutes
Additional Information
State Board of Elections Homepage
Electioneering Boundary Lines:
- Board of Elections – Early Voting
- Birdtown – Early Voting
- Bryson City #1 – Election Day
- Bryson City #2 – Election Day
- Alarka #3 – Election Day
- Almond #4 – Election Day
- Whittier/Cherokee #5 – Election Day
Election Terms:
Municipal Election: An election held for towns, cities or other special districts. Only residents of these municipalities and districts are eligible to vote in these elections. These elections are held in odd-numbered years.
General Election: A General Election is defined as a partisan election in which candidates are elected. All registered voters are eligible to vote in a general election. General elections are held in even-numbered years.
General elections are held for the following offices: U.S. President / Vice President* U.S. House Of Representatives (Congress) North Carolina State House and State Senate officials County Officials (e.g., County Commissioners) Municipal Officials (e.g., mayor, council members).
School Board General elections also may include bond proposals and referendums. * Four-year general elections (based on presidential election year).
Municipal officials were elected in 1999 general elections and every two years thereafter. Registered voters may vote for candidates in either party, regardless of their declared party affiliation.
Primary Election: A Primary is defined as an election which nominates candidates to the ballot for the General Election. The nominees of each party are then placed on the ballot for general election. Primary elections are held in even numbered years prior to the general election.
A Primary Election is held to nominate a candidate to represent a political party in the General Election.
Registered voters may vote ONLY in the primary election of their declared party. If a voter is registered as “unaffiliated”, he/she may vote in either the Republican or Democratic primary election. Political Party An organization of voters which supports a political view, and is recognized by the State Board of Elections.
Non-Partisan: An election where candidates do not run as a nominee of a political party. Judicial elections are nonpartisan as well as most municipal elections.
Partisan: An election where the candidates must be a nominee of a recognized political party or otherwise qualify.
Unaffiliated: Choice to not register with a political party.
Absentee Voting: Voting by mail or One-Stop prior to Election Day.
One-Stop Voting: Voting in a time frame, in person, prior to Election Day.
Near Relative: By election law, spouse, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, sibling, stepchild, in-law (father, mother, son or daughter).
Regulations for Posting of Political Signs
The placement of signs indicates that the candidate may be making expenditures. A candidate must file their political committee within 10 days of making expenditures or receiving contributions. So the local elections office could explore the need for a candidate for a committee to be organized if they are making expenditures.
There is no state or federal law that places a time limit of the placement of political signs prior to an election. This is a form of political speech enjoying First Amendment protection. Just like one can campaign for an office prior to filing, the right to political speech using signs does not depend on a filing date.
Some municipalities and counties have ordinances that deal with the location, dates when one may start to place signs, and when signs must be removed. However, these ordinances could face a First Amendment challenge by the candidate wishing to contest the requirements.
Also signs cannot be placed in DOT right of ways and on other certain property. Complaints as to signs in these locations should be directed to the District DOT Office or the utility company owning the poles. The local elections office has no responsibility in removing unlawfully placed signs.
If you have any questions regarding this matter you may contact Amy Strange, Campaign Finance Compliance Specialist with the NC State Board of Elections at 919-733-7173 or PO Box 27255 Raleigh, NC 27611-7255, or the Swain County Board of Elections at 828-488-6177.
Contact Information for the Swain County Commissioners
Commissioner’s Office
50 Main Street, Ste. 300
Mailing Address: PO Box 2321
Bryson City, NC 28713
Phone: 828-488-9273
Fax: 828-488-2754
Board of Commissioners
Kevin Seagle, Chairman
Tanner Lawson, Vice-Chair
Bobby Jenkins, Member
Phil Carson, Member
David Loftis, Member
Lottie Barker – County Manager
Phone 828-488-9273 ext. 2241
Cindi C. Woodard – Clerk to the Board & Administrative Asst.
Phone 828-488-9273 ext. 2225